Coffea Consulting


For a free consultation, or additional information, use the form below, email Shawn Steiman at or call +1-808-223-0982.
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Shawn Steiman

Latest Blog Posts

Coffee labeling in Hawai‘i – the 10% blend

In Hawai‘i, there is a law that regulates the blending and labeling of coffees.  If a company wants to blend a local coffee and name the origin on the package, then the package must contain at least 10% of that named origin and it must be labeled a certain way.  Many people dislike that the …


A fresh cup

Finally, the Coffea Consulting website is getting a long overdue overhaul! The old site was stale, details were out of date, and many of the links were broken. It is now functional, attractive, and current! Coffea Consulting is going through a refreshing moment. There is renewed attention being paid to the business, its offerings, and …


Jasper Coffee

Worked with the Hama Cooperative in Kochore, Ethiopia on behalf of Jasper coffee, a long time direct trade partner of the cooperative. Seminars on coffee production, processing, and quality were presented to cooperative members, in addition to meeting them to address individual questions.

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